Series <Metaphysical Star> 2021-2023
The work, ‘metaphysical star’, abstracts the movement and form of light created through the windows and façade of a building into a three-dimensional light structure that is orthogonal to the color of the artificial light of the LED, but at the same time, through the image of a cold and solid metal barricade, it shows the duality of the fear and curiosity that the artist experienced during his childhood during the Gwangju Democratization Movement of May 18, like an illusion.
건축물의 창과 파사드를 통해 만들어지는 빛의 움직임과 형태를 직교하는 입체적인 빛구조로 추상화한 작품인 ‘metaphysical star’는 led의 인공 빛이 만드는 색으로 빛나는 별의 형태를 가지고 있지만 동시에 차갑고 견고한 금속 바리케이트의 이미지를 통해 첨예한 작가의 어린시절 광주의 5.18민주화항쟁을 통해 경험한 공포와 호기심이 공존하는 환영과 같은 양가성을 보여준다.
Metaphysical Star21-1 (2021)
metaphysical star21-1, 2021, stainless steel, led light
Metaphysical Star21-2 (2021)
metaphysical star21-2, 2021, stainless steel, led light
Metaphysical Star21-3 (2021)
metaphysical star21-3, 2021, stainless steel, led light